“The Connection Between Anger and Cancer”

“There’s a huge amount of evidence that anger creates cancer, with many scholarly articles showing a direct link between anger (especially suppressed anger) and cancer.” 


One study showed that those with cancer and anger (and especially suppressed anger) had a much higher amount of stress… and thus with stress chemicals in their body can lead to physiological changes in the body.

A study at King’s College Hospital in London with cancer patients with suppressed anger showed a distinct correlation between having anger and cancer.

The University of Tennessee showed that suppressed anger was a precursor to developing cancer.

At Yale University, Dr. Bernie Siegel collected 57 very well documented cases of angry people who came down with cancer. And when they decided that anger and depression were not helping anything they became, loving, kind, caring and let go of all anger… thus their cancer started to shrink. – Amazing!

The National Institute of Health said: “Research with animal models suggests that “your body’s neuroendocrine response (release of hormones into your blood in response to stimulation of your nervous system) can directly alter important processes in cells that help protect against the formation of cancer, such as DNA repair and the regulation of cell growth.”

The California Department of Health Services and NHI showed a four fold increase in death from cancer for those who suppressed their anger.

Research at Stanford University showed that powerful emotions cause a flood of cortisol (a stress hormone) that predicted early death in women with breast cancer.

The Journal of the American Medical Association said: “A study comparing long-term survivors of breast cancer with those who did not survive, scientists at John Hopkins University found that long-term survivors expressed much higher levels of anxiety, hostility and other negative emotions.  Patients who were able to express their feelings lived longer than those who had difficulty in doing so.”

Research at the University of Colorado talks about: “People who repressed their emotions after a traumatic event had lowered immune systems compared to those who shared their feelings.” Thus a lowered immune system can open the door to cancer.

Another study published in the Journal “Cancer Nurse” showed that if people had extremely low anger scores and were suppressing anger, they were more likely to have cancer and a rapid progression of the disease.

The University of Aukland in Australia showed that “Our work suggests that emotional disclosure may influence immune responsiveness as well as having general health benefits. We are investigating the effects of emotional expression in women with breast cancer.”

Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles said “People who have repressive styles tend to be more prone to illness, particularly (immune-system related) diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, infections, and cancers. The concept is of unexpressed anger. If one doesn’t let it out, that could have adverse consequences.”

Dr. Geerd Hamer created “the iron rule of cancer” That all cancers starts with some kind of powerful shock, a dramatic conflict (anger), plus it may also be great loneliness (depression from anger).

A study in the Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that people with lots of negative emotions had a much lower immune system response.

Dr. Richard Davidson has done research into emotions and our health and said: “Emotions play an important role in modulating bodily systems that influence our health.”

Dr. John Nisim who talks about alternative therapies believes that cancer has emotional causes.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Lanling and Peiquan talks about the fact that emotions such as anger, anxiety, and depression are able to change the body and be a fundamental part of disease creation.

Pan Mingji in his book “Cancer Treatment with Fu Zheng Pei Ben Principle” says that grief harms the spleen, rage harms the liver, too much emotion harms the heart, fear harms the kidneys, and great sorry harms the lungs. Though this is not exact, it does seem to play out many times in life.

The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle ask women if stress was a cause of their breast cancer and they answered “Why didn’t you ask me about what really caused my cancer?” Thus doctors there have decided after many studies that stress impairs the immune system thus leading to cancer.

In the Journal of Psychosomatic Research it said: “Extreme suppression of anger was the most commonly identified characteristic of 160 breast cancer patients who were given a detailed psychological interview and self-administered questionnaire. Repressing anger magnified exposure to physiological stress, thereby increasing the risk of cancer.”

Dr. Everett Worthington from Virginia Commonwealth University says: “Chronic unforgiveness causes stress. Every time people think of their transgressor, their body responds. Decreasing your unforgiveness cuts down your health risk. Now, if you can forgive, that can actually strengthen your immune system.”

Research at Ohio State University showed that women with high emotional responses had a much lower level of good “T” killer cells. “Natural killer cells have an extremely important function with regard to cancer because they are capable of detecting and killing cancer cells. Psychological interventions, such as forgiveness, have important roles in reducing stress and improving quality of life, but also in extending survival.”

Stanford University Center for Disease Prevention said, “When you hold onto the bitterness for years, it stops you from living your life fully. As it turns out, it wears out your immune system and hurts your heart.”

I could put down and additional 200 pages… but I think you get the point, anger and especially suppressed anger creates the possibility of cancer.

Here is the cure – “Forgive, Forget, and Move On, and Live a Much Happier and Healthier life.”
















Feel Free to Share – This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.

All my consultations are FREE!

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at www.paulhaider.com – feel free to contact him any time, Acceptance, Overeaters Anonymous, Friends, Change Life, Fatty Acids, Grass Fed, No Toxins, Healing, Role of Liver, Liver and Immunity, Liver and Cancer, University of Colorado,

Here is a short video bio – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK6Eg-xlX3U

Here is my Google+ address if any of you would like to connect.  —   http://plus.google.com/+PaulHaider–drpaulhaider

Dr. Paul Haider, Master Herbalist, HH, USA, Anger, Cancer, Direct Correlation, Anger Creates Cancer, Bitterness, Suppressed Anger, Healing, Healing Cancer, Love, Forgive, Forget, Move On, Anger and Su, Studies, Stanford, Ohio State University, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Dr. John Nisim, Dr. Richard Davidson, Dr. Geerd Hamer, NIH, University of Aukland, The Cure

Feel Free to Contact me, I love talking with people and being of service – email –  drpaulhaider@gmail.com, – Skype – drpaulhaider – and my cell phone is (831) 869-9119 – I am in EST Time Zone.

Make a Love Donation on Paypal using the Paypal address — relax@paulhaider.com

About Dr. Paul Haider

Dr. Paul Haider has been a Master Herbalist for over 25 years. Dr. Haider helps those looking for healing and realization. Dr. Haider has over 4,000 articles about natural health and spirituality, a radio show, and writes for many magazines including OM Times Magazine. Dr. Paul Haider - Contact him on his Website contact form at www.paulhaider.com - and also on FB under Dr. Paul Haider
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