Vinpocetine a Powerful Supplement… for Every Aspect of Health

All Natural – Vinpocetine is a natural product made from the periwinkle flower which is very common throughout the world.

Periwinkle Flowers

Periwinkle Flowers

Brain Support – Vinpocetine is important because it supports the brain and brings more oxygen and food to the brain thus helping to overcome neurotoxic effects.

Alzheimer’s – Vinpocetine can help protect you from Alzheimer’s by increasing powerful antioxidants in the body and preventing the production of an enzyme called PDE 1 which narrows blood vessels. Also prevents the slowing of dopamine release in the brain thus helping to prevent brain disease.

Thins Blood – Vinpocetine makes your blood less sticky… thus flowing through narrow blood vessels easier, it lowers blood pressure, and thus can also help prevent strokes.

Prevent Damage – Vinpocetine can also help to prevent damage to the brain and Vinpocetine has been used in many countries to treat strokes, dementia, and other vascular problems.

Headaches – Helps eliminate 78% of all headaches.

Anti-inflammatory – A study at the University of Rochester showed that Vinpocetine has the same effects as long term steroids without side effects. Works well for lung inflammation, arthritis,  and other chronic inflammatory problems.

Blood Flow – Studies in Hungary show that Vinpocetine increases blood flow and also increases glucose being carried to nerve cells… thus increases metabolism in the brain. And increases blood flow to damaged areas of the brain fast via oral tablets or IV solution.

Stroke Recovery – Studies show that taking Vinpocetine at the onset of a stroke, reduced the size of the stroke by over 40%… and increasing recover from a stroke by up to 60%.

Learning – Vinpocetine can boost learning capacity by up to 40%.

Speech Impairment – Studies show that in over 54% of the cases Vinpocetine helps with speech impairment caused by brain disease.

Dementia – Vinpocetine helps to prevent oxidative stress of nervous tissue… and thus can help to prevent dementia.

Incontinence – Vinpocetine has also been found to help with urinary incontinence by almost 60%… which is an amazing change. Helping to restore bladder function and the ability to void and feel the urgency to urinate.

Helps With Hearing – 20mgs per day of Vinpocetine reverses acute hearing damage and also works well for ringing of the ears… and none-traumatic hearing loss.

Powerful Antioxidant – Vinpocetine a powerful antioxidant slows the ageing process and prevents DNA damage.

Red Blood Cells – Progesterone makes red blood cells more flexible and able to flow through small blood vessels… but with the addition of Vinpocetine blood flow can be increase to almost every area of the body.

Memory – Vinpocetine has been shown to enhance long and short term memory.

Cardiovascular Protection – Because Vinpocetine increases blood flow, it can also help to prevent heart attacks and increase perfusion of cardiac muscle. And help eliminate sclerotic plaques of the heart and help lower blood pressure.

Hair Loss – Current hair loss medications have lots of side effects. Vinpocetine on the other hand… has the ability to increase blood flow to hair follicles without side effects.

Athletes – Because Vinpocetine increases blood flow it can also be used for enhanced athletic performance. And it can be of great value to those working at high altitudes.

Alertness – Vinpocetine increases oxygen and glucose to the brain thus making it possible for better focus and alertness.

Heavy Metals – Vinpocetine can help in the removal of heavy metals such as lead.

Insomnia – Vinpocetine helps those suffering from insomnia… helping you to sleep better and wake up refreshed.

Dizziness – If you suffer from vertigo then Vinpocetine may be of great help. A study at the Uniersity of Michigan showed that Vinpocetine worked wonders for vertigo in over 76% of the cases. And Vinpocetine can also help with Meniere’s disease which has symptoms of vertigo.

Depression and Anxiety  – A small does of 10 mgs a day helps 75% of those suffering with depression and anxiety. Vinpocetine increases serotonin levels in the brain thus elevating mood.

Macular Degeneration – Studies also show that Vinpocetine may also help to prevent macular degeneration and prevent age related blindness.

Night Vision – Night vision is enhanced with Vinpocetine making it easier to see and drive at night.

Glaucoma – Studies show that Vinpocetine may also have some ability to help with increased eye pressure associated with glaucoma.

No Side Effects – So far there have been no side effects notices with Vinpocetine other from taking large doses and ending up with GI distress.

Dose – Most people take from 10 to 40 mgs per day.

Where to Find – You can order Vinpocetine on-line or ask for it at your local health food store.

This all natural supplement may just be what you need in your life… you might want to give it a try and see how it works for you.

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas, and at www.paulhaider.comfeel free to contact him any time. Also check out Dr. Haider’s radio show at Oct. show to be about “Something is About to Happen… and what to do about it”

Dr. Paul Haider, Master Herbalist, HH, Herbs, Vinpocetine, Dementia, Depression, Anxiety, Alzheimer’s, Glaucoma, Athletic Performance, Cardiovascular health, Stroke Recovery, Strokes, Blood Flow, Perfusion, Night Vision, Hearing Loss, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Night Vision, Urinary Incontinence,

About Dr. Paul Haider

Dr. Paul Haider has been a Master Herbalist for over 25 years. Dr. Haider helps those looking for healing and realization. Dr. Haider has over 4,000 articles about natural health and spirituality, a radio show, and writes for many magazines including OM Times Magazine. Dr. Paul Haider - Contact him on his Website contact form at - and also on FB under Dr. Paul Haider
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